Circumambulation Floors
The circumambulation building comprises the following
- The circumambulation courtyard
- Ground floor
- 1st floor
- The mezzanine floor for wheelchair users on the first floor
- The roof
Capacity of the circumambulation building
- The circumambulation courtyard accommodates 30,000 circumambulators per hour
- Total capacity of all floors: 107,000 circumambulators per hour
These floors are accessed through special paths determined by security personnel. Hajj and Umrah pilgrims should cooperate with them and follow their instructions.

Idtibaa is a Sunnah way of wearing the Ihram robe for men when performing the circumambulation (Tawaf).
- It is Sunnah for a man during the circumambulation for Umrah to uncover his right shoulder, following the example of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him).
- It came into practice when Quraish people said about the Prophet and his companions: "A people who have been weakened by disease will come to you”, so the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) and his companions wanted to show their strength and briskness.
- Then, the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) and his companions continued doing so. Muslims shall follow the example of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) and show their strength and briskness in turning to his Lord.
- Idtibaa is prescribed in the circumambulations of Umrah and arrival (Tawaf Al Qudoom), but it is not prescribed in Tawaf Al Ifaadah (for Hajj) or the absolute supererogatory circumambulation for non-Muhrim.

Al Ramal
Al Ramal (walking fast during circumambulation).
It is Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) to walk briskly during the circumambulation.
It is prescribed for men, whenever possible, to walk quickly in small steps in the first three rounds, following the example of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him), while walking during the remaining four rounds is doing at a normal pace.
- To walk quickly in small steps is different from jogging.
- This Sunnah applies to men only.
- It is prescribed to perform Ar-Ramal and walk briskly in the circumambulation of 'Umrah and the circumambulation on arrival (Tawaf Al Qudoom), but it is not prescribed for the Tawaf Al Ifaadah (Hajj) and the farewell circumambulation (Tawaf Al Wadaa), nor in the supererogatory circumambulation for non-Muhrim.
- In the case of crowding, one needs to take extra care so as not to inflict harm upon himself or others. If circumambulating with his family, he ought not to cause difficulty for them.
Ramal (fast circumambulation) is Sunnah for men, but not for women.

Circumambulation (Tawaf)
The circumambulation (Tawaf) is one of the pillars of Umrah and is an act of worship in which, by directing our hearts and bodies to Allah, we are humbled confess our needs to the Almighty. In this act of worship, the servant circumambulates the House of Allah (the Kaaba), worshipping the Lord of the House and drawing close to Him as He has prescribed.
Description of Circumambulation
- Pilgrims performing Hajj or Umrah start circumambulation from the corner where the Black Stone is located. On the upper floors, a green sign indicates this position.
- Pilgrims performing Hajj or Umrah should say Takbir in each round when they are parallel to the Black Stone, but it is not a condition that Takbir should be uttered exactly at this point. It is not the case that it is not valid to say Takbir before or after it; rather one can do Takbir somewhere near this point. So, if the pilgrim sees that he has already passed the Black Stone, he can still utter Takbir.
- When uttering Takbir, a pilgrim shall point with their hand at the Black Stone, and then start circumambulating with the Kaaba to his left (counterclockwise).
- Kissing the Black Stone is a Sunnah for those who are able to do so, but this is difficult during the Hajj season crowded days.
- One continues circumambulation, supplicating Allah and praying humbly to Him.
- If one reaches the Yemeni corner, which precedes the Black Stone, it is desirable to wipe over it if possible. During the Hajj season, this will be difficult.
- The round ends at the corner of the Black Stone, which marks the start place. Here, he/she points with their hand and utters Takbir.
- One repeats this until completing seven rounds.
Circumambulation Instructions
For a safe and Ideal circumambulation:
- Walk on without stopping in the circumambulation courtyard to prevent crowding and jostling
- Do not reverse the direction of circumambulation, whatever the reasons
- The phrase Allahu Akbar (Allah is the greatest) inscribed on the Kaaba cloth over the Black Stone indicates the corner of the Black Stone
- A green light sign in the upper floor circumambulation tracks indicates the alignment of the Black Stone
Visitors performing supererogatory circumambulation shall follow instructions and regulations of the times and places of circumambulation and give the opportunity to Hajj and Umrah pilgrims as a priority shall be given to Hajj and Umrah pilgrims.
When you circumambulate the Kaaba, avoid crowded places. Help reduce crowding through proper entry and exit from the Mataf (circumambulation area) and by praying away from the circumambulators.

Performing the circumambulation (Tawaf) by wheelchair
It is permissible for a person who is unable to walk or who feels ill or tired to circumambulate riding, but he must remain awake and attentive because he is doing an act of worship. He should fill his time with the remembrance of Allah and supplicating to Him.
Various types of wheelchairs are available for circumambulation in the Haram
Private wheelchair for the pilgrim
- Whoever has a wheelchair is allowed to do so, provided that he enters from the place designated for the vehicles.
Free wheelchairs
- Free wheelchairs are available for a pilgrim performing Hajj or Umrah if he has someone to push him in Sa'i.
These wheelchairs can be accessed at
- The Eastern square (Mass Transit) Entrance
- The Southern Square (next to the endowment of King Abdulaziz, may Allah have mercy on him)
- The Western Square (Shubaikah Gate)
Wheelchair push service
- These are wheelchairs in which the pilgrim is pushed by one of the young men who are trained to do so.
Electric wheelchairs
- These are safe electric wheelchairs that are easy to drive and control for circumambulation and Sa'i. There are two types: single and double
Places where this service can be found
- Electric wheelchairs are located on the first Mezzanine floor of circumambulation and Sa'i

The Kaaba is the Sacred House of Allah and the greatest building for Muslims. It enjoys great prestige and a glorious history. It was built by Abraham and his son, Ismail, peace be upon both of them.
A Muslim may perform obligatory or supererogatory prayers inside the Kaaba.
It is the first house that Allah placed on earth so that mankind may worship Him alone, without ascribing any partner to Him. The Almighty says: {The first House (of Prayer) established for mankind is the one at Bakkah: a blessed place and a guidance for the worlds}. It is the Qiblah of Muslims and the thrust of their hearts. It is the only structure that they circumambulate in worship to Allah.
The Kaaba has several features that can be observed during circumambulation:
Al Hatim (Hijr Ismail)
- It is an open semi-circular space next to the Kaaba. A portion of it was part of the Kaaba. Prayer inside this enclosure is equivalent in reward to prayer inside the Kaaba.
Door of the Kaaba
- The door of the Kaaba is located on the eastern side of the Kaaba. Today it is made of pure gold. It is 222 cm above the ground
- Width: 171 cm
- Length: 318 cm
- The Kaaba is covered with a special cloth called the "Sitarah" (curtain)
- The current door was made during the reign of King Khalid bin Abdulaziz, may Allah have mercy on him
- It is made of 280 kg of pure gold
Al Multazam
- It is the eastern wall or part of it. It is located between the Black Stone and the door of the Kaaba.
- Iltizam (holding) means that a person presses his chest, face, arms, and hands against this wall, and supplicates Allah Almighty. This may be difficult, even impossible, during crowded seasons.
The Roof Gutter
- It is the part installed on the surface of the Kaaba to drain water to Hijr Ismail. It is made of pure gold with a pure silver lining.
- It is a supporting structure for the Kaaba
- It encompasses it like a dress
- It is not part of the Kaaba
- It was originally built to strengthen the structure of the Kaaba and protect it from torrential rains
- It has been preserved over the centuries
- Today, it is covered with white marble
The Black Stone
- The Black Stone came from Paradise, as the Prophet, blessing and peace be upon him, said.
- It marks the starting and concluding points of one's circumambulation.
- After a part of the building of the Kaaba was demolished by rain, the Prophet, blessings and peace be upon him, put the Black Stone back in its place when people differed over who would put it in its place.
- It is situated in the southeast corner of the Kaaba.
- It is enclosed by a silver frame to protect it.
- It is 1.5 m above the ground.
- It is prescribed to kiss the Black Stone, if possible, following the example of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him). Avoid jostling and crowding at the stone.
- The Black Stone is described as black because of its color.
- The Prophet, blessings, and peace be upon him, said: "The Black Stone descended from Paradise. It was whiter than snow but was blackened by the sins of the polytheists".
The Yemeni Corner
- The Yemeni Corner is one of the four corners of the Honored Kaaba. It is called "Yemeni" because it faces Yemen. This corner and the Black Stone are called "The two Yemeni corners".
- It is Sunnah for a circumambulator to wipe over it, if possible, without kissing it. However, if he is unable to do so, then it is not prescribed to point at it or utter takbeer when in alignment with it.

Zamzam water is one of Allah’s blessings on Makkah and its visitors. Allah bestowed it on Ismail, peace be upon him, and his mother Hagar, when Abrahim, peace be upon him, left them in Makkah in response to Allah’s command to him. Then, he supplicated to his Lord, saying: {Our Lord! verity I have settled some of my posterity in an uncultivable valley near unto Your Sacred House. Our Lord! that they may establish the prayer; so incline some hearts of men that they may yearn toward them, and provide them with fruits in order that they may be thankful}.
Therefore, Allah caused that sweet water to spring from under the feet of the child and granted it characteristics and advantages incomparable to any water on earth, to honor Abrahim, his son, and his wife, and after them the nation of Muhammad (blessings and peace be upon him).
Zamzam water in the two Grand Mosques
- Zamzam water is supplied in drinking water containers throughout the Grand Mosque of Makkah and the Prophet's Mosque, in two conditions: cooled, which is usually offered, and uncooled, which is marked.
- Plastic cups are available for drinking. These are single-use cups. New cups are stacked on the right-hand side of each container and shall be disposed of in the bin on the left-hand side.
- The water staff periodically refills the containers, so moving these containers from their place will disrupt refilling work.
- These containers are prepared for drinking only. Using them for ablution or taking water outside the Haram wastes Zamzam water and exposes visitors and pilgrims to slipping and pollution.

The Sunnah of praying two Rakaah after circumambulation
The two Rakaah of Tawaf
- After completing circumambulation, it is Sunnah to pray two Rakaah. This is a confirmed Sunnah for everyone who has circumambulated the Kaaba for Hajj or Umrah, or who performed an absolute supererogatory circumambulation.
- It is prescribed to recite Surat Al Kafirun in the first Rakaah, and Surat Al Ikhlaas in the second one. Because circumambulation is the symbol of monotheism and the worship of Allah alone, Who has no partner; it is prescribed for a person to announce that in the recited Surat that one recites upon completing circumambulation.
- If it is not too difficult for him/her, it is Sunnah to perform this prayer of two Rakaah behind Maqam Abrahim, so that the Maqam will be between him/her and the Kaaba. One must pray where security officers advise doing so. The two Rakaah of Tawaf can be performed anywhere in the Grand Mosque, but the people who are circumambulating have more right to the space around the Kaaba than people performing their prayer.

The prophetic ways of circumambulation
The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) practiced some ways during the circumambulation. His companions followed him in this respect, as he (blessings and peace be upon him) said: "Learn your Hajj rituals from me".
The circumambulation, as is the case with the rest of the acts of Hajj and Umrah, is one of the great acts of worship in which Muslims strive to follow the example of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him). This is a great reason for Allah’s love for His servants, as the Almighty said: {Say: If you love Allah, follow me, and Allah will love you and forgive your sins. Allah is All-forgiving, All-compassionate}.
Circumambulation prophetic ways include
- It is Sunnah for those who are in line with the Black Stone or the Green Light in the upper floors at the beginning and end of each round to raise their hands and say: "Allaahu Akbar".
- The circumambulation of the Kaaba is one of the greatest occasions of supplication to Allah. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) used to fill every moment of his circumambulation with supplication and remembrance. He used to say after passing the Yemeni corner (which is the corner immediately preceding the Black Stone): Rabbanaa Aatinaa Fid-Dunyaa Hasanatan Wa Fil Aakhirati Hasanatan Waqinaa Adhaab-An-Naar (O our Lord, give us good in this worldly life and in the Hereafter and protect us from the torment of the Fire).
- A circumambulator supplicates, asking Allah for all his needs and seeks His help in whatever he/she cares about in this world and the Hereafter, in his native tongue, for the greatest supplication is that in which the heart and tongue agree.
- The greatest and most blessed supplications are those mentioned in the Quraan and the supplications of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him).
- It is a Sunnah for men to uncover their right shoulder when performing circumambulation for Umrah, following the example of the Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him). This practice applies only to the Umrah circumambulation and that of Qudoom
Al Ramal
- It is Sunnah for men, if possible, to speed up and walk briskly with small steps in the first three rounds, following the example of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him). Then they complete the remaining four rounds by walking at a normal pace in the Tawaf of Umrah and Qudoom
Praying two Rakaah after the circumambulation
- It is Sunnah to pray two Rakaah after completing the circumambulation, and to recite Surat Al Kafirun in the first Rakaah and surat Al Ikhlas in the second

Milestones of the Circumambulation Courtyard
The circumambulation area is the courtyard tiled with white marble, which surrounds the Noble Kaaba. It is now called the courtyard. It is the space where Muslims rotate around the Kaaba.
Some important features of the circumambulation courtyard are:
The Noble Kaaba
- It is the Qiblah of Muslims and is dear to their hearts. It is the only object around which they rotate in worship to Allah.
Maqam Ibrahim (Abraham)
- It is the rock on which Abraham, peace be upon him, stood when building the Kaaba. It is a clear and visible sign in Haram. Allah Almighty said: {In it are clear signs such as the standing place of Abraham}.
The Maqam of Abraham is the stone on which Abraham, peace be upon him, stood to build the Kaaba.